CSI Singapore Welcomes New Director, Prof. Ashok Venkitaraman

We are pleased to announce the appointment of Prof.  Ashok Venkitaraman as the new Director of CSI Singapore as of 1st November, 2020. He has been appointed distinguished professor in the Department of Medicine with effect from 16 November 2020, and will also lead a programme at the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR).

Prof. Venkitaraman will take over the reins from CSI Singapore’s Founding Director, Professor Daniel G Tenen and interim Director, Professor Barry Halliwell. Previously, Prof. Venkitaraman had held appointments at the University of Cambridge, where he served as the Ursula Zoellner Professor of Cancer Research and Director of the Medical Research Council Cancer Unit.

Widely recognized for his meritorious contributions in the field of cancer research, Prof. Venkitaraman’s work has laid the foundation for our understanding of how cancer is suppressed by genes that maintain the integrity of DNA in the human genome. His scientific pursuits have also made inroads into the field of cancer genetics and biology, including a pivotal discovery that elucidates the impact of genome instability on carcinogenesis and cancer therapy.

Moving forward, Prof. Venkitaraman aims to achieve a deeper understanding of the steps that underlie carcinogenesis, in order to accelerate advances that will lead to improved cancer detection, treatment and eventually, prevention.

Under Prof Venkitaraman’s leadership, CSI Singapore will continue to explore better ways to prevent, diagnose and revolutionize cancer treatment in Singapore and the world.

Please join us in welcoming Professor Ashok Venkitaraman to CSI Singapore!