Fluorescence Activated Cell Sorting (FACS) Facility

The Facility currently operates 2 Becton-Dickinson FACSAria II for cell sorting and analysis. These machines have 3 or 5 air-cooled lasers and are capable of performing 9 – 12 colour flow cytometry analyses, 2-and 4-way bulk sorting to tubes, and single-cell sorting to well plates(ranging from 6 to 96 wells) or microscope slides. The sorts can be done in aseptic conditions and the cells are suitable for culture. In addition, the Facility runs 1 Becton-Dickinson LSRII for analysis with 5lasers so that users can perform 10-colour analyses. To meet an ever-increasing users’ demand, a high throughput flow analyzer machine FACS Celesta is up and running since Dec 2019.

Facility Head

jun siong low

Asst. Prof. Low Jun Siong
CSI Singapore



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Erica Xu Songci
Core Facility Manager (FACS core)



Loh Jia Xin 
Laboratory Executive (FACS core)


  • Operator-assisted FACS Aria sorting service is available between 9 am to 5.30 pm.
  • The FACSAria cell sorter can be used 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. However, self-operated sorting is expected on weekends & after 6pm on weekdays and is opened to trained users only.
  • Self-operation is required for analysis by LSRII and Celesta at all times. We can give you a basic walkthrough if you are a first time user.
  • Booking is required for use of the FACS Aria, Celesta & LSRII at all times, including usage during non-chargeable hours.
  • The minimum notice period for cell sorting is 24 hours (office hour timeslots). Please notify us via EMAIL for urgent evening access to the cell sorter.
  • The maximum booking hours for LSRII is 3 hours.
  • User will be notified after the booking is approved.
  • All usage of the LSRII PC is chargeable, even for “Data Analysis” use only. Users are encouraged to borrow our software dongles to perform data analysis on their own PCs.
    (Please contact us for more information on charges)
  • Charging takes into effect from the time service is booked, regardless of your punctuality. Charging ends according to the time booked on the system, or the actual end time of the service, whichever occurs at a later hour.
  • No service charge during non-facility operation hours.
  • Small packets of 5ml FACS tubes (25 tubes) is available for sale to users who will be running their samples at CSI FACS.
Cancellation notice received > 2 days before day of service No penalty
Cancellation notice received 0 – 2 days before day of service 100% service charge

Cancellation can be made by deleting the booking from the online system.