Laboratory Rotation

Lab rotations are compulsory for all full-time CSI scholarship students.

Each successful candidate will undergo 3 lab rotations with duration of 6 weeks each. Lab rotations are compulsory for all full-time CSI scholarship students. Students must confirm their choice of thesis advisor by the end of 6 months from the start date of the candidature.

  • Students would have to participate in 3 laboratory rotations within 6 months from the start of his/her candidature.
  • Duration of each laboratory rotation is 6 weeks and subject to PIs’ approval and availability.
  • An overlap period between two laboratories (up to one week) for the completion of rotation project may be approved upon agreement by lab supervisors/PIs of both laboratories.
  • Students have the choice of PIs they would like to be supervised by for each laboratory rotation.
  • Supervisor must be a CSI faculty member.
  • For students who were CSI staff or attachment students, the laboratory rotation of their proposed PI can be taken into account.
  • Students are permitted to do their lab rotation and select any laboratories or research institutes, with approval from the PI concerned and the Chair of the CSI Graduate Program Academic Committee.
  • Only PIs’ signature is required to endorse the hours accumulated for the supervision. The student is responsible for verifying the accuracy of all the information before submission to the CSI office.
  • For list of available labs, please refer to the information provided at Welcome Session.

Each student will be supervised by researchers from CSI Singapore who hold NUS appointments. For MBBS/MD students who wish to pursue a translational/clinical graduate program, joint supervision by a scientist and clinician will be encouraged.

  • Students are required to submit Laboratory Rotation Form to CSI Office within 1 week from the start date of lab rotation.
  • Students are required to complete Section I of the Laboratory Rotation Form & Evaluation Form and forward them to their Lab Supervisor and PI.
  • PIs are requested to forward to CSI office within 3 weeks from the end date of lab rotation.