Continuation & Graduation Requirements
Requirements for Continuation of Candidature/ Research Scholarship
For continuation of candidature, students would have to meet the following GPA set for coursework:
PhD – GPA should not fall below 3.0 for two consecutive semesters or below 3.6 for three consecutive semesters.
Students’ GPA will be reviewed at the end of every semester of the academic calendar after the official release of the examination results.
An appropriate warning will be issued when GPA falls below 3.6. Students’ candidature will be terminated if requirements are not fulfilled.
1. 3.0 < GPA < 3.6 A warning letter will be issued to student via email. Thesis advisor will also be notified.
2. GPA < 3.0 A warning letter will be issued to student. Thesis advisor will also be notified. Student will be placed on probation.