Bioorthogonal Catalysis for Treatment of Solid Tumors Using Thermostable, Self-Assembling, Single Enzyme Nanoparticles and Natural Product Conversion with Indole-3-acetic Acid (ACS Nano., June 2022)

Bioorthogonal catalysis (BC) generates chemical reactions not present in normal physiology for the purpose of disease treatment. Because BC catalytically produces the desired therapy only at the site of disease, it holds the promise of site-specific treatment with little or no systemic exposure or side effects.

Identification of Mechanism of Cancer-cell-specific Reactivation of hTERT Offers Therapeutic Opportunities for Blocking Telomerase Specifically in Human Colorectal Cancer (Nucleic Acids Res., June 2022)

Transcriptional reactivation of hTERT is the limiting step in tumorigenesis. While mutations in hTERT promoter present in 19% of cancers are recognized as key drivers of hTERT reactivation, mechanisms by which wildtype hTERT (WT-hTERT) promoter is reactivated, in majority of human cancers, remain unknown.

CSI Singapore Principal Investigators Part of a Collaborative Effort to Secure a $25M NMRC Collaborative Grant to Tackle Liver Cancer

CSI Singapore would like to congratulate its Principal Investigators, namely Prof. Patrick Tan, Assoc. Prof. Edward Chow and Dr. Tam Wai Leong who are involved in a collaborative effort with the National Cancer Centre Singapore (NCCS), the Agency for Science, Technology and Research’s Genome Institute of Singapore (GIS) and Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology (IMCB) and Duke-NUS Medical School.