CSI Special Fellow, Dr. Touati Benoukraf, Receives Award at 2015 HOPE Meeting in Japan

HOPE Award

The HOPE Meetings, organized annually by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), is a prestigious meeting offering researchers the opportunity to engage in interdisciplinary discussions with Nobel Laureates and other distinguished scientists, with lectures and dialogues on topics ranging from physics, chemistry, physiology and medicine.

The 7th HOPE Meeting was held from 1-5 March 2015 in Tokyo, and CSI Special Fellow Dr. Touati Benoukraf and 4th year PhD student Xu Liang were among the 75 candidates carefully chosen across the Asia-Pacific and Africa region to take part in this prestigious meeting.

Dr. Benoukraf and a team of 8 other attendees presented a talk titled “Disseminating Research & Contributions to the Society”. They were subsequently awarded the ‘Unique Presentation Award’, one of two awards conferred to the top presentations during the meeting. Dr. Benoukraf heads the computational core facility at CSI and also focuses on cancer bioinformatics and epigenetics research.

Congratulations to Dr. Benoukraf!