CSI Singapore Receives NUS Safety & Health Commendation Award

(Top row, from left) Dr. Song Yangyang, Dr. Deepak Babu, Mr. Ng Swee Siang, Dr. Chan Jia Jia, Dr. Chen Ye, (Bottom row, from left), Ms. Selena Gan and Dr. Sudhakar Jha after being presented with the NUS Safety & Health Commendation Award.

We are pleased to announce that CSI Singapore has been conferred the Commendation Award for the NUS Safety & Health Awards (NUSSHA) 2020! Presented by the Office of Safety, Health & Environment (OSHE), the NUSSHA programme recognizes NUS Faculties, Departments, and Research Centres/Research Institutes which have implemented effective department safety and health management system (DSHMS) that would help reduce accidents and incidents in workplaces.

The Commendation Award is a testament to the CSI Singapore’s enduring commitment and efforts in implementing a comprehensive safety and health management system for all. On behalf of the Safety Committee, we would like to thank everyone for your joint efforts in ensuring a safe and positive environment at CSI Singapore.