Conclusion of STEP Ahead into an RNA World Workshop 2023!

CSI Singapore, in collaboration with NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, recently concluded the successful “STEP Ahead into an RNA World 2023” workshop held between 29 and 30 May 2023 at University Town, NUS. Conducted prior to the 28th Annual Meeting of the RNA Society (May 30 – June 4, Singapore), the aim was to bring together the younger scientific community to foster research and education in the field of RNA science in Singapore.

The two-day programme consisted of a series of scientific talks, visits to local biotech companies/research laboratories and interactions with fellow participants whilst exploring sunny Singapore. Consisting of a majority of international researchers with a mix of the local scientific community, the workshop served as an excellent platform for intellectual discussions and exchange of knowledge and ideas.

We would like to extend our gratitude to Temasek Foundation for supporting this successful workshop! Check out CSI Singapore’s Facebook page for the highlights video and more photos from the workshop.