Frontiers in Cancer Science 2025

NUS University Cultural Centre
50 Kent Ridge Cres, Singapore 119279
5-7 November 2025 | Singapore

Frontiers in Cancer Science 2025 welcomes you to our 17th International Conference.

We invite scientists, doctors, students and other delegates engaging in scientific research related to cancer to join us at Singapore’s preferred cancer conference.

We bring together distinguished cancer researchers with complementary knowledge and expertise from across the globe for the exchange of ideas and information.

Join us for a time of dynamic interactions and the opportunity to learn from leading cancer experts.


AACR - FCS 2025 Education Session Speakers (Updates coming soon)

FCS 2025 International Speakers (More updates coming soon)

FCS 2025 Local Speakers ( Updates coming soon)


To be updated




NUS University Cultural Centre
50 Kent Ridge Cres, Singapore 119279


  1. Please note that entry to the conference is strictly by registration only.
  2. Please note that entry to a single talk on a complimentary basis is STRICTLY not allowed.
  3. Registrations will allow admission to all scientific sessions, poster sessions, exhibition booths and lunch receptions.
  4. Conference badges can be collected at the reception counter at the commencement of the conference.
  5. All registered participants are requested to display the conference badge visibly at all times during the conference for identification.
  6. Registration passes are strictly not transferable.
  7. Unutilized registrations are strictly non-refundable.
  8. If a registered delegate has left the organization, the registration MUST BE cancelled; replacements are not allowed. The cancellation and refund policy applies.
  9. For affiliate registrations, please register latest by 29 October 2025, 23 59 SGT. Afterwhich, payment has to be made upfront upon registration. 
  10. For all registrations, cancellations must be made latest by 22 October 2025, 23 59 SGT. Cancellations are strictly not allowed after the above date.
  1. Payments are debited to ‘National University of Singapore’.
  2. Payments must be made online via a credit card at the point of online registration.
  3. All Registration Fees are subject to prevailing GST
  4. FCS accepts the following credit cards:
    • American Express
    • MasterCard
    • Visa
  1. After completing the registration form, you will be prompted to make payment online via a credit card.
  2. In the event your payment fails, please kindly arrange for payment via another credit card.
  3. After completing the online payment, you will receive an acknowledgment for your registration and payment. However, please note that registrations are not confirmed until funds are received.
  4. Please allow 7 working days for the updating of your payment in our records.
  5. Once payments have been received, a confirmation email will be sent to you informing that your registrations are confirmed.
  6. For your records, please print a copy of the confirmation email.
  7. For group registrations, an invoice will be sent after registration closes.
  8. For other payment methods, please contact the conference secretariat.


Abstract Submission

◊ The 'Outstanding FCS Abstract Travel Award' will be given out to selected abstracts to cover their expenses to present their oral abstract in-person at #FCS2025!

◊ Top poster abstracts stand a chance to win AACR travel awards to facilitate their attendance at AACR 2026!

Oral Presentation and Poster Presentation
  1. Abstracts are limited to a total maximum of 300 words, excluding authors’ affiliations.
  2. All abstract titles should be in Title Caps.
  3. Please submit your abstracts as an attachment in MS Word Format.
  4. Authors’ affiliations should be submitted in the following sample format:
    Peter Tan1,21Cancer Science Institute of Singapore, 2Department of Medicine, National University of Singapore
  5. Please avoid adding graphics, charts or photographs in your abstracts; they should only be included in your poster.
  6. Please ensure that all special characters / symbols and formatting are properly displayed in your submission.
  7. Please refer to the Abstract Template provided.
  8. Please note that selected abstracts may be included in the E-program/abstract booklet that participants will receive upon registration.
  9. Deadline for Submission for Oral and Poster Presentation: 13 July 2025
  10. Please indicate your interest in either the oral and/or poster presentation categories which you are submitting for. Successful Oral Presenters will be able to present their work during the Frontiers in Cancer Science 2025’s programme.
  11. Results for Oral Presentation abstracts will be announced at least 3 weeks before the conference.
  1. Abstract submissions are free.
  2. All abstracts submitted must represent scientific research relevant to the studies of cancer research.
  3. Authors submitting abstracts are responsible for ensuring that all authors listed on the abstract have been notified of the submission.
  4. Abstracts must be submitted by the presenting author.
  5. Preliminary Selection: All abstracts received will be assessed by members of the Review Committee, who are authorized to decide if an abstract shall be accepted to participate in the FCS 2025 Posters Presentation and/or Oral Presentation.
  6. Only submitters of accepted abstracts will be notified about the acceptance via email.
  7. All accepted posters, poster presentations and oral presentations will be reviewed by the appointed panel of Poster Judges.
  8. Please ensure that the abstracts you have submitted are accurate; no revisions can be made after the abstract has been submitted.
  9. Submission of your abstract/s implies that you have read, understood and comply with the Terms and Conditions as outlined.
  10. Results of the poster presentations and oral presentations will be announced on Thursday, 6 November 2025 and awards will be presented to the winners on Friday, 7 November 2025.

Abstract submission is a simple two-step process.

Step 1: Prepare your abstract using the Abstract Template provided.

Please download the Abstract Template here.

Step 2: Complete and submit an Abstract Submission Form. 

Please fill in your Abstract Submission Form.

Abstract Submitter Registration

  1. The invitation to submit an abstract does not constitute an offer to pay travel, accommodation or registration costs associated with the Conference.
  2. Submitters of accepted abstracts will receive registration waivers.
  3. By submitting an abstract, submitters are responsible for gaining appropriate permissions from the copyright holder.
Abstract submission is CLOSED!
  1. Successful Poster abstract submitters will be notified via email by mid September 2025*.
  2. Successful Oral abstract submitters will be notified via email by mid September 2025*.
  3. Participants of the FCS Posters Presentations should print a physical poster that is A1-sized, colored and of portrait orientation and bring it along to be displayed at the conference.
  4. Results will be announced on Thursday, 6 November 2025.
  5. Certificates of award and prizes will be presented to the winners at the end of the conference on Friday, 7 November 2025.

* Dates are subject to change, please check back for updates.

Past Conferences

Conference Partner

Media Partner


Premium Sponsors

**Inclusion of the sponsors’ names and/or logos does not imply CSI Singapore’s / NUS’ / FCS’ endorsement of the sponsors’ products and/or services.

Executive Committee


Conference Secretariat
Frontiers in Cancer Science
14 Medical Drive,
#12-01 Centre for Translational Medicine,
Singapore 117599


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